Category Technology

AI: The Superpower in Your Pocket

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just for robots in movies anymore. It’s quietly seeped into our everyday lives, making things smoother, smarter, and sometimes even a little spooky. But how exactly is AI impacting us? Let’s dive into the fascinating world of AI and see how it’s transforming our daily routines.

Your AI Assistant: From Recommendations to Reminders

Think you don’t interact with AI? Think again! That helpful voice suggesting Netflix shows you’ll love? AI. The spam filter keeping your inbox clean? AI. Even the autocorrect on your phone – yep, AI. These are all examples of machine learning, a type of AI that learns from data to improve its performance...

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Turo review – 5 reasons Turo won’t delight like Uber or Lyft

Turo logo

Time for a road trip. But’s let’s not take our boring car, let’s rent something special. Instead of the same old rental car, I want to choose my exact make, model, and year. Welcome to the new shared economy, and peer-to-peer car rental is already here. My family and I had a trip to Tahoe planned and we decided to try industry leader Turo out to see if using the app and service was worth it. We definitely liked the car and the trip went well, but I couldn’t help comparing the experience to my previous car rental experience. I’ll go through our journey in detail in this Turo review, and cover 5 reasons Turo won’t delight you like Uber or Lyft.

Reason #1 – You might not get the vehicle you expected

In my opinion, the best thing about Turo is the variety...

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5 myths about Bitcoin

People using Bitcoin

We are reading plenty of articles about Bitcoin every day. Depending on the week, the price of Bitcoin is either crashing or soaring. It is either taking over or burning out. The thing is, Bitcoin is hard to understand if you do not have a basic understanding of economics, computers and how cryptocurrencies work. As a result, there are plenty of myths about Bitcoin circulating in mainstream press and blogs. Before going through the 5 myths about Bitcoin, let’s see more facts about Bitcoin in the infographic prepared by experts from Bitcoin Play.

Myth 1- Bitcoin is Anonymous

It is safer to say that Bitcoin users are operating under their 34 digit addresses and it is not obvious who is acting under each address...

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Great Product Management Podcasts

This is the best destination for great Product Management podcasts. Each expert goes into detail about their career as well as their Product Management discipline:

This is Product Management – hosted by Mike Fishbein

Toward the end of each podcast, Mike asks some standard product manager questions so you can see how each expert responds individually.

Notable guests:

Nir Eyal – Author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products. I also saw him speak at a Zurb event, he’s brilliant.

Gayle Laakmann McDowell – Author of Cracking the PM Interview: How to Land a Product Manager Job in Technology. She makes herself available on Quora for questions I found. I’ve learned a lot from her writing style; she’s objective, captivating, influential, and succinct.

Enjoy! And if this is helpful, shar...

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My Favorite Agile Product Owner video

what is takes to be a product manager

This is hands down my favorite agile product owner video. Henrik Kniberg goes into detail about how to manage your sprints, stakeholders, and backlog. He talks about how to determine fixed scope and fixed timeline delivery estimations. He embraces challenges like how to manage your backlog when stakeholder asks exceed engineering throughput, and he provides tips on how to align stakeholders. If you’re in Product or even a developer, it’s worth 15 minutes of your time.

You won’t be disappointed!

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